What's that for?
My big crackle of laughter
That comes from an idle chatter
Over wine and vain comment
By elites bereft and indolent.
What's there to laugh about
In this hunger,misery and poverty?
This injustice and moral laxity
When trail behind Nations
And live in morbid dispensations.
Let us gird our lions
Heed the call for a common battle
Our Nation's ills to tackle,
Kindle the fire of patriotism
To break the spine of impreialism.
Let us prove our mettle
We are study enough to toil
For ourselves on our own soil,
Lets wear our sweat like beads
And strive to achieve great feats.
There is joy in laughter
Spiced into our life of labors
In true love with our neighbors,
But lets build our Nation strong
And prove our detractors wrong.
Until this task is done
And we are a Nation among others
To stir the cause of humanity together,
This crackle of laughter
Is a hollow clatter.
God bless United States !
The land of great people,
The people of great Nation.
And of great value
The fountain of customs and traditions
The land of b...
16 years ago