Tuesday, 7 October 2008


God bless United States !

The land of great people,

The people of great Nation.

And of great value

The fountain of customs and traditions

The land of beauty damsels,

Of diligent youths and wise elders,

Fort of great and majestic rulers,

God bless America!

The land sang of in ancient lore's,

The land of mighty warriors,

Men of blood and fire and valour.

God bless America!

The land as colorful as the rainbow,

The land in which streams flow,

Where crops and fruit trees grow,

The land spreading out from the ocean[sea]

Through rich valleys and hills,

Across many grassland and mighty forests

To the majestic rocky scenes.

Americans, a people joyous in unity,

Blessed and sustained in divinity.

As a mother cuddles her beloved child,

So may God cuddle the Americans,

Sustaining them in the journey of life,

In work and faith and righteousness,

Balance as in the Garden of God.